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"Are the two most powerful states in the world moving toward the creation of a functioning global order? Or are international norms and institutions just a new arena for the old game of realpolitik? Foot and Walter compare US and Chinese compliance with five sets of norms, governing the use of force, mutual surveillance of macroeconomic policy, nuclear nonproliferation, climate change, and global financial flows. With careful attention to detail, the authors are able to show that China's compliance has increased as its economy has become more interdependent with the rest of the world, although in selective ways that reflect particular economic and security interests. Although the United States created the initial institutions, it has performed inconsistently, unable to rein in important domestic constituencies that have an interest in seeing certain norms violated. In both Beijing and Washington, compliance seems to be strongest when the distribution of its costs and benefits is perceived as fair. But this is a hard equilibrium to achieve, given the asymmetries of power, culture, and development the mark the international system." - Foreign Affairs "This is a very good book which will have a broad audience among political scientists, area specialists, diplomatic historians and the engaged public. It covers an important and timely topic, but does so with care and with an unusual amount of historical background." - Thomas J. Christensen, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, and Director of the China and the World Program, Princeton University "This book is well-conceived, well-researched, well-reasoned and extremely well-written. One of its distinctive strengths is its linked analysis of interactions between Beijing's global policy, Washington's global policy and the evolving global order." - Samuel S. Kim, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University "Foot and Walter have produced a theoretically informed and compelling analysis of the all-important U.S.-China relationship. These two distinguished IR specialists break new ground by situating the relationship within the broader context of the norms and structures of global governance." - Michael Mastanduno, Nelson Rockefeller Professor of Government, Dartmouth University The United States and China are the two most important states in the international system and are crucial to the evolution of global order. Both recognize each other as vital players in a range of issues of global significance, including the use of force, macroeconomic policy, nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, climate change, and financial regulation. In this book, Rosemary Foot and Andrew Walter, both experts in the fields of international relations and the East Asian region, explore the relationship of the two countries to these global order issues since 1945. This text is a sophisticated analysis that adroitly engages the historical, theoretical, and policy literature.

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